Default offset is zero , is it not?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: J, Sadhasivam (Cognizant) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 1:00 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: logic:iterate issue
> Offset property is there in iterate check it up please
> -----Original Message-----
> From: raghu_c [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 12:54 PM
> Subject: logic:iterate issue
> Hi - 
> My logic:iterate tag doesnt loop thru the no of elements in 
> the list :(
> Can someone help?
> My jsp goes something like this
> <logic:iterate id="MINESNQueryForm" name="MINESNResults" 
> property="arrlstMINESNIS41Records" length="<%=iNoOfRecDisplayed%>">
>       <tr onClick="fnSelectedRow(this,'<%=iCounter%>')" 
> onDblClick="fnOpenDetails(this,'<%=iCounter%>')" >
>               <td align = center>
>                       &nbsp;
>               </td>
>               <logic:notEmpty name="MINESNQueryForm" 
> property='<%="arrIS41Date["+iCounter+"]"%>'>
>                       <td align = center>
>                       <font 
> color=<%=(String)arrIS41ColorCode.get(iCounter)%>>
>                               <bean:write 
> name="MINESNQueryForm" property='<%="arrIS41Date["+iCounter+"]"%>' />
>                       </font>
>               </td>
>               </logic:notEmpty>
>       </tr>
>       <%iCounter+=1;%>
> </logic:iterate>
> The MINESNQueryForm is my ActionForm Bean ; it has getter 
> setter methods called getArrlstMINESNIS41Records
> and setArrlstMINESNIS41Records
> iNoOfRecords is a parameter, it has a value of 15 when 
> printed to System.out
> I am forced to use the iCounter to iterate since  tag nesting 
> is unavailable.
> It prints the first record , then doesnt return to loop any more
> Thanx in Advance,
> Raghu
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