In the below code, nested:greaterThan does perfectly what it is expected to
But nested:equal doesn't do what it is expected to do.
If nested:equal is replaced with the traditional logic:equal, that does the
job perfectly.
I couldn't figure out why.
// a struts form bean name
<nested:root name="ReferralWorkListEntryForm">
//a property in the form bean
<nested:nest property="results">
    <%-- @todo: why the below code execution fails ? --%>
    <nested:equal property="total" value="0"> 
        <%-- do something --%>

    <nested:greaterThan property="total" value="0">
        <%-- do something else --%>
Would appreciate if someone explaing why and the context/concept behind it.
Ramiah Balasubramanian

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