
I was terribly confused. It was too simple... sometimes I can get a complex solution when the simple one is the best. Thanks a lot for wake me.

Reinhard Nägele wrote:

This is not a bug. The applet creates a request and receives the response. The browser doesn't know anything about this. You need to call getAppletContext().showDocument(URL) in your applet. Of course, you could create an URL from an ActionForward, serialize it to your applet, and then call showDocument(URL) with that URL. This way, you'd always create a new request, a forward is not possible.




I'm developing an application with communication between applet and front-controller (that calls the corresponding Actions). No problem here, I do that with response.getOutputStream... , works!

The problem comes here: I want to do a forward, with the corresponding action. For do that I open a connection in the applet that calls the corresponding action. In this action nothing is recieved or sent because if the connection becomes commited no forward is posible. In this way I do de findForward and it seems to work, in fact in the log file it is register as successful, but my navigator don't do anything, even if the action is forward or sendRedirect, I've tried both.

I'm not sure if it is a bug or not.

Thanks for all.

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