Thanks for the response Rich. This did not work, but it did get me started
on the right path.
This code in the jsp:
<html:select property="week" value="<%= request.getParameter('Week') %>">

results in this error: unclosed character literal
probably occurred due to an error in /list/myAddEdit.jsp line 21:
<html:select property="week" value="<%= request.getParameter('Week') %>">

To get around the errors I now do this:

   String week = request.getParameter("Week");

<html:select property="week" value="<%= week %>">

and it works.

As for the other issue I'm dealing with, I'm still not sure why hidden
fields are not populated.
I've implemented a work-around but I really don't like it. Rather than use a
hidden tag, I'm setting a session attribute. Then, in the form's reset
method I set the data member to the value of the session attribute.
I don't like this because I'd rather not have more session attributes
floating around and it seems like an abuse of the reset method.

If you have an idea why hidden fields are not populated, please let me know.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard J. Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:08 AM
> Subject: RE: hidden fields and extension tag errors with weblogic
> Hi. WebLogic uses a different page complier than Tomcat. That 
> may be part of the reason why you're picking up the error. My 
> guess is that the problem is that you have a scriptlet inside 
> the struts tag. Try re-writing it like this:
>     <html:select property="week" value="<%= 
> request.getParameter('Week') %>">
> That should work fine in Tomcat too.
> Regards,
> Rich
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clauson, Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:39 AM
> Subject: hidden fields and extension tag errors with weblogic
> I've developed a struts application that is working well on 
> Tomcat and on SilverStream. I'm now trying to deploy it to 
> WebLogic 7.0 (Service Pack 2).
> There are two problems occurring on WebLogic that do not 
> occur with Tomcat or SilverStream:
> 1) I get the following error trying to display a jsp that 
> contains the struts html select/options tags:
> /list/myAddEdit.jsp(23): Non-matching extension tags //[ 
> null; Line: 23] probably occurred due to an error in 
> /list/myAddEdit.jsp line 23: </html:select>
> The code from the jsp:
> <table>
> <tr>
> <td>
> <bean:message key="week"/></td>
> <td>
> <html:select property="week" value="<%= 
> request.getParameter("Week") %>"> <html:options name="MyForm" 
> property="weeks"/>
> </html:select>   <---- Line 23
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> Any idea why weblogic complains about this?
> 2) The set methods are not being called on the form for 
> hidden fields. I have this code in my jsp:
> <html:form action="/MyAction"
>       name="MyForm"
>       type="">
>    <bean:message key=""/>: <%= 
> request.getParameter("StateID") %><br>
>    <html:submit>Delete</html:submit> <html:cancel/>
>    <html:hidden property="origStateID" value="<%=
> request.getParameter("StateID") %>"/>
> </html:form>
> StateID is a request parameter to the page. The 
> setOrigStateID method is not being called on MyForm. When 
> deployed on Tomcat and SilverStream, the sequence of events is:
> MyForm.reset()
> MyForm.setOrigStateID()
> MyForm.validate()
> With weblogic the sequence of events is
> MyForm.reset()
> MyForm.validate()
> Obviously, this causes serious problems. 
> I would really appreciate any help.
> Thanks,
> Kelly
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