I have a Tiles controller that has been simplified to write to the log. This
controller is attached to the tiles definiton used for my login page (no
other controllers are used anywhere). What I don't understand is that as I
navigate accross the site, every time I am forwarded to a new page (created
from a tiles definiton), the logon-controller gets called. Could somebody
please explain to me why this might be happening? Below I have included a
sample of my tiles-defs.xml, and a portion of the log illustrating the


In my tiles controller I have :

        public void perform(ComponentContext arg0, HttpServletRequest arg1,
HttpServletResponse arg2,
                                  ServletContext arg3)
                throws ServletException, IOException {

                arg3.log(" ___________Tile Controller: tile definition name -   " +

In my tiles-defs.xml I have:


   <definition name=".baseLayout"
        <put name="tileDefinitionName" value=".baseLayout" />
        <put name="titleKey"   value="app.title" />
        <put name="header"     value="/WEB-INF/pages/common/header.jsp"/>
        <put name="banner"     value="/WEB-INF/pages/common/banner.jsp"/>
        <put name="navigationBar" value="/WEB-INF/pages/common/navigationBar.jsp"/>
        <put name="content"    value="${content}"/>
        <put name="footer"     value="/WEB-INF/pages/common/footer.jsp"/>

    <definition name=".login" extends=".baseLayout"
        <put name="tileDefinitionName" value=".login" />
        <put name="navigationBar"
        <put name="content"    value="/WEB-INF/pages/login.jsp"/>

   <definition name=".welcome" extends=".baseLayout">
        <put name="tileDefinitionName" value=".welcome" />
        <put name="content"    value="/WEB-INF/pages/welcome.jsp"/>

    <definition name=".widgets.main" extends=".baseLayout">
        <put name="contextMenu"
        <put name="content"    value="/WEB-INF/pages/widgets/widgetsMain.jsp"/>
         <put name="tileDefinitionName" value=".widgets.main" />

    <definition name=".widgets.selected" extends=".baseLayout">
        <put name="contextMenu"
        <put name="content"    value="/WEB-INF/pages/widgets/widgetsSelected.jsp"/>
         <put name="tileDefinitionName" value=".widgets.selected" />

>From the log after navigating around the site:

2003-06-19 13:40:35  ___________Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:42  ___________Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:47  ___________Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:49 action: Executing base logic
2003-06-19 13:40:50  ___________Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:52 action: Executing base logic
2003-06-19 13:40:53  ___________Tile Controller: definition name -   .login
2003-06-19 13:40:54 action: Executing base logic
2003-06-19 13:40:54  ___________Tile Controller: definition name -   .login

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