I hide my persistence layer by using a project in the commons-sandbox called Mapper. My Actions don't know or care how the objects are persisted, they just pass them into the Mapper layer (I actually have a Service layer my Actions talk to but you could get rid of that for simplicity).

I initialize the persistence layer in a Struts plugin and, after that, nothing in Struts knows about it.


Hi all

Where do you think is the best place to initialise your persistence, ORM,
system in Struts?
Action classes, etc.?
I would like to make the Struts framework least aware of my Persistence

I'm using OJB with PB API and Struts 1.1.

Apparently, best practice, when using OJB PB API is to create an instance of
Broker before executing business command and then close the Broker after

Any ideas as to what particular design I should implement here to get most out of role separation?


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