tiles context? How do I get that?

The logon.jsp has a struts html:form attribute that is associated to the action class.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/23/03 06:05AM >>>

William Salvucci wrote:

>with the following tiles-def, I can forward to layout.main and everything is fine:
>definition name="layout.main" path="/layoutMain.jsp">
>    <put name="header" value="header.jsp" />
>    <put name="app" value="layout.app" />
>    <put name="footer" value="footer.jsp" />
>  </definition>
>  <definition name="layout.app" path="/layoutApp.jsp">
>    <put name="mainMenu" value="menu.main" />
>    <put name="subMenu" value="subMenu.jsp" />
>    <put name="body" value="welcome.jsp" />
>  </definition>
>  <!-- Menu bar definition -->
><definition name="menu.main" path="/menu.jsp" >
>  <putList name="items" >
>    <add value="Item 1" />
>    <add value="Item 2" />
>    <add value="Item 3" />
>  </putList>
>I then modify the tiles-def so that in layout.main app = "logon.jsp" where logon.jsp 
>submit is associated with a struts action. In the struts action I set the layout.main 
>app = "layout.app" 
>ComponentDefinition layout = TilesUtil.getDefinition("layout.main", request, 
>      layout.put("app", "layout.app");
  It is not recommended to change a definition dynamically, unless you 
know very well what you do. A definition content is shared by all the 
website. Changing the content will be reflected to all user of the 
definition. If you want to change a definition attribute for the current 
tiles, you should do so in the tile context, which hold a temporary copy 
of the definition.

>and forward to "layout.main". So basically after the action everything should be the 
>same as my original setup. However, I get the following error on the forward
><Jun 20, 2003 1:16:00 PM EDT> <Error> <HTTP> <Included resource or file "/netl-c
>ommons/layout.app" not found from requested resource "/netl-commons/layoutMain.j
  The layout.app name has been interpreted as an URL.  It appear that 
the Tiles mechanism hasn't catch it.
  I don't see how you call the action from the logon.jsp page.


>layoutMain.jsp is not changed during my update and looks like
><TABLE border="1">
>  <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><tiles:insert attribute="header"/></TD></TR>
>  <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><tiles:insert attribute="app" /> </TD></TR>
>  <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><tiles:insert attribute="footer"/></TD></TR>
>Any idea why layoutMain.jsp could load layout.app in the original, but can't when I 
>programatically put it into layout.main? I noticed that the put method doesn't have 
>type as an argument for specifying "string", "page", "definition", so I hope that 
>isn't it.
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