Hallo Meissa,

what version of tomcat are you using. Maybe you should also ask the
tomcat list?



mSanf> I'm having a very strange behaviour of my application.
mSanf> It has been tested in pre-production environnement and
mSanf> everything worked fine.

mSanf> When in production, it works but no fine at all !

mSanf> The application works well for about five or six days and 
mSanf> when we try to access some pages, we get a no No collection found exception.

mSanf> when we restart Tomcat(without making any change to the code) every thing 
mSanf> works fine again.

mSanf> here is an extract of the exception:

mSanf> javax.servlet.ServletException: No collection found
mSanf>         at 
mSanf>         at 
mSanf> org.apache.jsp.listParamVL_jsp._jspService(listParamVL_jsp.java:374)
mSanf>         at 
mSanf> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:137)
mSanf>         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)

mSanf> As you can see it, the probleme seems to come from the listParamVL_jsp.

mSanf> when I open the generated servlet file, at line 374, I have the code below 
mSanf> :

mSanf>  if (_jspxFactory != null) _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(pageContext);

mSanf> I really don't know what to do to determine the bug origin.

mSanf> If someone has an idea or a suggestion, I would greatly appreciate it.

mSanf> Meissa 

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