Hallo Meissa,

what I found out is:

The exception you get is raised in the iterate tag of struts (line
281, IterateTag.java). The reason is, as you can guess, that your
property "paramList" from "paramForm" is null. So the question is, why
is it null? Are there any circumstances possible under which this can



mSanf> Dirk,

mSanf> here is the sensible extract of the jsp

mSanf>       <logic:iterate name="paramForm" property="paramList" id="paramView">
mSanf>                 <bean:define id="index" name="paramView" property="index" 

mSanf>                 <bean:define id="codeParam" name="paramView" property="code" 

mSanf>                 <tr class="<%= (Integer.parseInt(index)%2 == 
mSanf>                         <%

mSanf>                                 String

mSanf> updateUrl="/paramInitUpdate.do?task=initUpdateParam&codeParam="+codeParam;

mSanf>                         %>

mSanf>                         <td width="25%">

mSanf>                         <html:link action="<%=editUrl%>"><bean:write 
name="paramView" property="label"/></html:link>
mSanf>                         </td>

mSanf>                         <td><bean:write name="paramView" property="media"/></td>
mSanf>                         <td><bean:write name="paramView" 

mSanf>                         <td><bean:write name="paramView" 
mSanf>                         <td width="50">

mSanf>                                         <html:link 
action="<%=updateUrl%>"><html:img srcKey="image.modify" alt="Modifier" 


mSanf>                         </td>

mSanf>                 </tr>
mSanf>          </logic:iterate>

mSanf> A simple logic iterate tag .  I'm iterating the paramList attribute which

mSanf> is an ArrayList property of the"paramForm" that is put in the request

mSanf> from the action.

mSanf> I know I could simply put the paramList in the request directly...
mSanf> Do you think there is something I'm doing wrong.

mSanf> Meissa

mSanf> Dirk Markert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mSanf> 24/06/2003 09:55
mSanf> Veuillez répondre à "Struts Users Mailing List"

mSanf>         Pour :  "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mSanf>         cc :

mSanf>         Objet : Re: Réf. : Re: very strange errors (no collection found series)

mSanf> Hallo Meissa,

mSanf> can you send the part of your jsp with the iterate tag? This would
mSanf> help.

mSanf> Regards,
mSanf> Dirk

mSanf> ***************************************************************

mSanf>> Dirk,

mSanf>> I'm using tomcat 4.1.18 and i have asked tomcat user list before.
mSanf>> It seem like the problem is caused by a logic iterate tag ...
mSanf>> But till now, I haven't found the real cause.
mSanf>> Meissa

mSanf>> Dirk Markert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mSanf>> 24/06/2003 08:45
mSanf>> Veuillez ripondre ` "Struts Users Mailing List"

mSanf>>         Pour :  "Struts Users Mailing List"

mSanf>>         cc :

mSanf>>         Objet : Re: very strange errors (no collection found

mSanf> series)

mSanf>> Hallo Meissa,

mSanf>> what version of tomcat are you using. Maybe you should also ask the
mSanf>> tomcat list?

mSanf>> Regards,
mSanf>> Dirk

mSanf>> ***************************************************************

mSanf>>> I'm having a very strange behaviour of my application.
mSanf>>> It has been tested in pre-production environnement and
mSanf>>> everything worked fine.

mSanf>>> When in production, it works but no fine at all !

mSanf>>> The application works well for about five or six days and

mSanf>>> when we try to access some pages, we get a no No collection found

mSanf>> exception.

mSanf>>> when we restart Tomcat(without making any change to the code)

mSanf> every

mSanf>> thing

mSanf>>> works fine again.

mSanf>>> here is an extract of the exception:

mSanf>>> javax.servlet.ServletException: No collection found
mSanf>>>         at



mSanf>>>         at



mSanf> org.apache.jsp.listParamVL_jsp._jspService(listParamVL_jsp.java:374)
mSanf>>>         at


mSanf> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:137)
mSanf>>>         at

mSanf>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)

mSanf>>> As you can see it, the probleme seems to come from the

mSanf>> listParamVL_jsp.

mSanf>>> when I open the generated servlet file, at line 374, I have the

mSanf>> code below

mSanf>>> :

mSanf>>>  if (_jspxFactory != null)

mSanf>> _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(pageContext);

mSanf>>> I really don't know what to do to determine the bug origin.

mSanf>>> If someone has an idea or a suggestion, I would greatly appreciate

mSanf>> it.

mSanf>>> Meissa

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