Kruse, Matt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> > Which is exactly what the string taglib does from
> >, plus a lot of other cool things (think wordwrap
> > and nl2br)
> I will check this out later. I just didn't want to introduce another taglib
> into this project at this point in the game. Too many unknown variables!
> I'm still not sold on the value of taglibs, but it's good to know that there
> are people out there solving the problems before I get to them :)
> Matt

I like them for the mere fact that they limit what you can do.  I
know that sounds sort of wacky, but they streamline where you are
going with JSP pages so that you don't end up all over the place
with too much non-display logic showing up.  Also, they help out
getting paths and other application dependent variables down to the
view.  But I guess we could easily go back and forth on it, so let's
save our breathe for some other stuff.  I highly recommend adding
the string library to your application though, it really is helpful
in many ways.


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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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