I don't think you want the [ctr] and keep

The thing you are iterating on is already doing the
[ctr] for you.

--- "Brown, Melonie S. - Contractor"
> I have a form with a list that is made up of
> UserMenuItem objects.  I want
> to allow the user to set various properties of the
> individual UserMenuItem
> objects.  The action the form is submitted to would
> take the list with the
> user's input and process it.
> To accomplish this, I'm trying to do something
> similar to the struts-el
> example at
> but I
> keep getting a "[ServletException
> in:/pages/admin/user/adduserperms.jsp] No
> getter method for property
> permsMenuItem.permission[0] of bean userPerms'"  
> I know the data is there, because if I do the
> non-indexed version of the
> page (code at end of post), I can see each item in
> the list. But when I try
> to process the form in the submitted-to action, the
> form is null (hence the
> attempt at indexed).
> Following are snippets of the relative code.  I
> would greatly appreciate any
> assistance in figuring out what I'm doing wrong.
> Struts-config:
> <form-bean name="UserPermissions"
> type="foo.UserPermissions"> </form-bean>
> Form fields:
> private List userPerms; [made up of UserMenuItem
> objects]
> [getter / setter]
> public UserMenuItem getPermsMenuItem(int index) [to
> get the indexed property
> item]
> { return (UserMenuItem) userPerms.get(index); }
> UserMenuItem:
> private String description;
> private String permission;
> [more fields / getters and setters]
> JSP Indexed Page:
> -------------------
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld"
> prefix="tiles" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/display.tld"
> prefix="display" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean-el.tld"
> prefix="bean-el" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html-el.tld"
> prefix="html-el" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic-el.tld"
> prefix="logic-el" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/c.tld" prefix="c" %>
> <html-el:form action="/setUserPerms.do">  
>    <logic-el:iterate name="UserPermissions"
> indexId="ctr"
> property="userPerms" id="userPerms">  
>      <div class="formrow">   
>         <div class="label">
>              <label><c:out
> value="${userPerms.description}"/></label>
>          </div>
>          <div class="widget">
>               <html-el:text name="userPerms"
> property="permsMenuItem[${ctr}].permission" /> 
> (also tried adding
> indexed="true" - didn't work)
>          </div>
>      </div>
>    </logic-el:iterate> 
>    <div class="formrow">
>        <div class="label">
>           &nbsp;
>        </div>
>        <div class="widget">
>           <html:submit property="submit" />
>        </div>
>    </div>
> </html-el:form>
> Jsp NonIndexed Page:
> ----------------------
> <html-el:form action="/setUserPerms.do">  
>    <logic-el:iterate name="UserPermissions"
> property="userPerms" id="perms">
>             <div class="formrow">                 
>                  <div class="label">
>                      <label><c:out
> value="${perms.description}"/></label>
>                  </div>
>                  <div class="widget">
>                     <html-el:text name="perms"
> property="permission" />
>                  </div>
>              </div>
>    </logic-el:iterate> 
>    <div class="formrow">
>        <div class="label">
>           &nbsp;
>        </div>
>        <div class="widget">
>           <html:submit property="submit" />
>        </div>
>    </div>
> </html-el:form>
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