I would say the form.

If you don't use the form, you will end up using the
"name" attribute on all html elements.  I suppose if
you use nested tag libraries then this wouldn't be
true though.

Whenever I do anything that involves the html tags for
editing, I use form properties since it seems logical
to have it in the form.  

Lists of things or possible values does not have to be
and I like to place these in application scope.

You could have them update to any bean.  A form is
just a bean in some scope.  

If you are using request scope, then make sure that
the getSomething(int index) which is the api required
for iterative lists, will initialize the list as well
since the request scope bean won't be there any more.

This has been my experience with exception of the
latter paragraph.  I work on a project with session
scope, so didn't have to deal with this.  Reading this
list has indicated that it is necessary.

--- AshokD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> 1)
> I am displaying a list of ValueObjects(which are
> editable) in a page by setting a ArrayList  to
> form..
> When I submit the form the values are updating into
> form arraylist variable.
> What is the logic behind in updation of list in a
> from when I submit the form.
> 2) I am displaying a list of ValueObject(View only)
> in a page. To display this values I am using Session
> Variable.
> I think we can set this list to the form also?
> Which one is best (putting into a session(or
> request) or setting to a form).
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ashok.D

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