On 02/07/2003 18:53 David Erickson wrote:
Is it based on using security restraints and having all your users set
groups in the tomcat-users.xml file?  If so our problem is we don't want
have users based into groups but want to give permissions to users
individually to many different things.. and we want to store our users in
database rather than tomcat's xml file.. if I am mistaken on how this
please correct me =)  (I havn't actually looked at it, I've just looked
tomcat's security restraint stuff before)

Just set up a JDBC realm for your context and use roles. A role can be as fine or coarse grained as you like. Then just write an admin app which allows you assign roles to users. It's easy.

Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller Business |
| Computer Consultants | http://www.thomas-micro-systems-ltd.co.uk |

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