I'm playing with a demo running with struts, jboss and a mysql database.
This example extracts data from a database and dump this in a table on my browser.
But i don't understand one thing.
In the action method they set an attribute "employees" with the collection employees. Which is filled only with the emp_id numbers (see employee EJB). In struts-config.xml is "employeeviewsucces" forwarded to "employeeviewsucces.jsp".
In employeeviewsucces.jsp they refer to this "employees". How can get these logic:iterate the other data from the database. (During debuging i found out that the EJB methods were called, but i don't understand who and why these methods are called. I see no link between the EJBmethods and the jsp calls.
Can somebody give me e little bit more explanation please or a hint where i can find more explanation about this.
Thanks in advance.

Here a snip of the struts action-code :
try {
InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext(env);
Object ref = jndiContext.lookup("Employee");
EmployeeHome home= (EmployeeHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,EmployeeHome.class);
Collection employees = home.findAll();
session.setAttribute("employees", employees);
} catch (Exception e) {
return (mapping.findForward("employeeviewfailure"));
return (mapping.findForward("employeeviewsuccess"));

Here's a the findall method of the Employee EJB
public Collection ejbFindAll() {
Vector employeeKeys = new Vector();
String sqlString = "select EMP_ID from EMPLOYEE";
try {
Statement s = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sqlString);
while (rs.next()) {
employeeKeys.addElement(new Integer(rs.getInt("EMP_ID")));
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("An SQL Exception occurred while querying result set of employee");
return employeeKeys;

employeeviewsuccess if forwarded to employeeviewsucces.jsp. Here's the snip of the code i don't understand.
<logic:present name="employees" scope="session">
<logic:iterate id="currentEmployee" name="employees" scope="session">
<bean:write name="currentEmployee" property="employeeid"/>
<bean:write name="currentEmployee" property="firstname"/>
<bean:write name="currentEmployee" property="lastname"/>
<bean:write name="currentEmployee" property="extension"/>
<bean:write name="currentEmployee" property="department"/>
<bean:write name="currentEmployee" property="city"/>
<a href="employeedelete.do?id=<bean:write
name="currentEmployee" property="employeeid"/>">Delete</a>
<a href="employeemodifysetup.do?id=<bean:write
name="currentEmployee" property="employeeid"/>">Modify</a>

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