I think having multiple mappings is the easiest.

The other way is to modify the struts-workflow
extension, but take it from me that this may be more
complicated than it is worth.

The workflow extension code has a session scoped bean
that knows where you have been.  With a little
modification you can get this to work.

Depending on if this happens a lot or just
infrequently I would use the multiple mappings.

The way I usually think about mappings is that there
is a unique one (other than the obvious) for different
inputs and different forwards (with the same name).

--- Martin Naskovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Struts fans/experts,
> I'm curious, is there a dynamic way of redefining
> what the
> 'mapping.getInputForward()' function will return?
> Why I ask this? Well, if I have a 'Screen X', and I
> can get to this
> screen from 'Screen A' or 'Screen B' or 'Screen C' -
> if I clicked
> "cancel/exit" on Screen X, I'd like to go to the
> correct input forward
> screen.
> Is the -only- way to achieve this to have multiple
> mappings for the
> action that loads 'Screen X', and each of those
> mappings would have as
> their 'input=...' Screen A, or B or C?
> Or is there some other way of determining where I
> 'came from' to a
> particular screen without having to map 3 different
> action mappings to
> the same action but different input=..'s?
> Thanks.
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