An ActionFoward represents information about a web destination (such as its

Actions return ActionForwards from their execute() method telling the
ActionServlet where to forward control.

A ForwardAction is a specialised Action that creates and returns an a
ActionForward based on a parameter (path) you configure.

One way of forwarding to another JSP uses the ForwardAction:

    <action path="/myAction"

The ForwardAction does not require you to configure an ActionForward, it
dynamically creates one from the parameter you supply.
You can only use the ForwardAction to forward to a URI within your web


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob McCune [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: July 3, 2003 11:03 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Newbie: Forwarding question
> I've just started working with Struts and am having some difficulty
> understanding the practical difference between an ActionForward and a
> ForwardAction.  If I am simply creating links between JSP's is there any
> difference between using a global ActionForward versus using an action
> instance of type ForwardAction?

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