I am about to allow others to work on my project now that I've set up
much of the framework.

I can see a few problems, most notable is the struts-config.xml file.  I
believe there will be much contention for this file.

I seem to recall a discussion about splitting this file up into multiple
config files, but it appears that the search facility on the
apache/struts site is down.

Is splitting the config file possible?  If so, how?

Also, assuming the above is possible, what are others doing for this?
I.e., do you have multiple config files based on modules in your app?
For example, I assume the way *not* to do this would be to have an
"action-config.xml" file, but rather a "functional-area1.xml" file.
But, this assumes you can have multiple tags/sections for things like
global-forwards and action-mappings.  Can you?

Any insight would be really appreciated.



Gregory F. March    -=-    http://www.gfm.net:81/~march    -=-    AIM:GfmNet

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