
I think that global forward is the best solution for
it as Neil mentioned. However, I havent tried this yet
but would it be possible to include login check into
lets say GeneralAction that extends Action, and than
every other action will extend GeneralAction. So
basically this action being in the middle can do all
the general processing that will be required by an
application. I read something about it in one fo the
books, and it does sound doable and useful, is it?


--- Neil Carusetta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> After the ActionServlet initializes the modules from
> the struts-config file,
> a freeze() is placed on the ModuleConfig which
> includes the ActionForwards
> elements. As a result any subsequent change to the
> actionForward's path is
> not possible.  
> For the scenario you describe I usually define one
> forward element in the
> struts-config mapping for the fail validate case
> (probably just a URI back
> to the Logon JSP itself, and another forward for the
> success case (probably
> an action call which display the next page and any
> prepopulated form-bean
> info).
> Hope that helps.
> Neil Carusetta
> Scottsdale, AZ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandeep Takhar
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 5:40 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Dynamically changing forward in
> ActionForm
> This has been asked many times before.
> You have to store something.  Sometimes it is nice
> to
> have a user object that stores bookmarks etc.
> try searching the archive...
> sandeep
> --- "Michael C. Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a small ActionForm which I would like to
> > include on all pages
> > of my webapp (it does a login, with user name and
> > password).  When
> > the validate() method returns an ActionErrors
> > object, I would like
> > control to return to the page that the login
> > ActionForm was called
> > from.
> > 
> > Is there a way to do this without storing a
> > reference to an
> > ActionForward in the session context, then
> > dynamically changing the
> > Input of the ActionMapping in the ActionForm? 
> That
> > seems far too
> > complicated.
> > 
> > Any insight appreciated.
> > 
> > -Mike
> > 
> > 
> >
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