Thanks a lot Sean, I will try it and let you know how it works.

Thanks for your great help,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Radford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:28 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Login Form


Things you need to do:

1. Get your EJB's installed and working with your JAAS plugin (or one of
the supplied JBoss ones). So standard J2EE settings in ejb-jar.xml, and
a standard jboss.xml (your security-domain in particular).

2. Create your web app as per the security filter instructions. That
means moving the security defintions that are normally in web.xml to the
securityfilter-config.xml file, and defining the Filter in web.xml. And
in jboss-web.xml you need to define the security-domain. Then you just
need to specify 'my' class as the realm in the

<realm className="com.aegeus.securityfilter.JBossRealmAdapter"></realm>

Hope that helps,

Dr. Sean Radford, MBBS, MSc
Blade Systems

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 12:01, Erez Efrati wrote:
> Sean,
> Thanks for the code. I have downloaded everything and I am about to
> start playing with it. But from reading still, I am a bit confused
> Is this code + SecurityFilter replaces the container security
> configuration of JBoss/Tomcat in ejb-jar.xml, web.xml, jboss.xml,
> jboss-web.xml ?
> Thanks,
> Erez
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Radford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:26 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Login Form
> All,
> Please find attached my securityfilter realm adaptor. The other code I
> was waiting for hasn't materialised, so I couldn't do any comparison -
> but it seems to work for me... Good luck, and any probs just shout.
> And nope, I have know idea if the extra functionality is to be
> in the near future within an updated container specification. Any one
> know how we could 'force' the issue?
> Regards,
> Sean

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