I have an HTML form with Submit and Cancel buttons, and a drop down list, which when 
clicked submits the form. I use Javascript to submit the form when the dropdown list 
is clicked.
I have a property called "action" defined in my ActionForm class that identifies the 
Submit and Cancel buttons in the HTML form. When the drop-down is clicked, I would 
like to set the value of this "action" property to "Lookup".
My Javascript function is given below:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function submitForm(form)
return true;
and I invoke this function in my HTML form as shown below:
 <html:select property="crn" onclick="submitForm(this.form)">
       <html:option value="Test" selected>Test</html:option>       
But, the value of the property "action" is not set to "Lookup".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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