On Tue, Jul 15,'03 (02:32 PM GMT+0200), Adam wrote: 

> I designed a system where I can specify in my action which dropdown 
> lists I require with a method call. I route my failed validate
> requests thro' the action (using the action mapping input tag) every
> time so the call is always made, and if I specified it should be in
> the request, the system looks in the request for the collection and if
> it doesn't find it, it makes it. Same applies to with session and
> application requirements.

This did seem like the best solution if you insist on using request
scope for your Lists on a form. It's still sort of a pain though because
now don't you have to code for checking validation success in your
Action class method(s) (execute or dispatch methods)? Seems like a lot
of the power of the validation framework is you can control it all from
config files and your Actions don't even have to worry about it. If
insistence on request scope is mandatory, I think this above solution is
the best one I've come across.


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