I was looking at http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/faqs/indexedprops.html,
and realized it's possible to get a dynamic arraylist index by using
Struts-EL.  Well, my question is, if I have a radio button like:

<logic:iterate id="element"....>
<html:radio property='userSkill' value="value(somekey)"/>

Can I _still_ use Struts-EL inside the value="" attribute to generate a
dynamic key based off some exposed iterator (e.g. "element" from above),
which is indeed a String value?

What's a way to do this? It isn't quite the same as an index for a list,
it's not a number, and there's no concrete example for a dynamic map index,
which is why I ask.

Can someone clue me in? I'm sort of stuck :).

Thank you.

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