Woops... after thinking about this more, I realized that I *have* to put the primary key in the form somewhere, or I won't know what record to update... I'd still like to hear your experiences in this area though... Thanks

Wes Rood wrote:

I've searched the archives for this type of discussion but I'm not really finding what I want.

I'd like to reuse the same jsp form for both inserts and updates of a particular set of data. My current solution is to come into the action with a flag of "new" or "edit". If "edit", the action will fetch the existing data into the FormBean by the primary key (int) which is currently in the FormBean, then forward to the input view. If "new", the action will just forward to the input view (thus the primary key is 0)

The input view is the jsp form, which has a hidden property set to the primary key of the FormBean.

The form is then submitted back to this action with a flag of "save", and then it will check for the presence of the primary key (from the hidden field), and do an insert or update based on whether or not it is > 0.

Another variation of this is to set a specific field in the FormBean instead of the primary key, but it is the same idea (still requires handling this field as a hidden field in the form) Which I found at:

I'd really like to clean this up a bit, hopefully by removing the requirement of setting a hidden property in the form. One idea was to put the new/edit information into the session, but this fails if the user has 2 browser windows open, trying to do a new record in one window and an update in another (since they share the session). Another idea was to attempt an update, and then fail back to an insert, or vice versa. But that is an extra db hit.

Any suggestions or experiences would be helpful. Thanks!

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