The other way to do it is to use scaffolding which is
part of the struts release.

It is really a best-practices framework that is
available for use.

--- Dennis Meelis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I usually give the page with the form it's own
> action (ie.
> xxxUpdateSetupAction which I use for stuff like
> populating lists, etc.) and
> the target action of the form has it's own seperate
> action (ie.
> xxxUpdateAction). In this situation you could set
> the input attribute of the
> /xxxUpdate action mapping to /xxxUpdateSetup which
> then should be
> executed (forwarded to, this is nice because this
> way the setup action has
> access to the posted data) if validation fails.
> I must say it is just an idea and I haven't had the
> chance to try it yet,
> hope it
> helps.
> Dennis
> "Linus Nikander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> message
> > First off, thank you for the reply.
> >
> > As you point out both solutions that you suggest
> have a certain
> hackishness
> > over them it would be nice to avoid. As displaying
> data from a DB-table,
> > allowing that data to be edited (en masse, not one
> record at a time), must
> > be a pretty common task, doesn't anyone have a
> more elegant solution when
> > using struts ?
> >
> > //Linus
> >
> >
> > "John M. Corro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> in message
> > > I've seen two ways of dealing w/ this problem,
> both of which I see as
> > 'hackish'
> > > in nature.
> > >
> > > Solution A:
> > >
> > > In your getters/setters you implement the
> following code
> > >
> > > public MyCustomBean getMyCustomBean(int index) {
> > >    while(index >= myCustomBeanList.size()) {
> > >       myCustomBeanList.add(new MyCustomBean());
> > >    }
> > >    return
> (MyCustomBean)myCustomBeanList.get(index);
> > > }
> > >
> > > In that way you'll never encounter the common
> IndexOutOfBoundsException.
> > The
> > > problem here is that you tend to use alot of
> hidden fields in your UI to
> > repopulate
> > > the data back into the dynamically created
> beans.
> > >
> > > Solution B:
> > >
> > > In your reset() method you repopulate your
> internal Collection of beans.
> > The
> > > problem w/ this approach is that often times you
> have a separate Action
> > that
> > > prepopulates your ActionForm.  This provides for
> good separation - the
> > Action
> > > is a retriever of a data (nothing more) and the
> ActionForm is merely a
> > container
> > > for data (nothing more).  With this approach
> your ActionForm suddenly
> > starts
> > > becoming more intelligent than it really should
> be.  Now it's aware of
> how
> > to
> > > populate itself...not a good thing IMO.
> > >
> > > I'd be very interested in hearing other
> solutions to this problem as I
> > find
> > > both of the above solutions cumbersome and
> hackish and would love to
> stop
> > implementing
> > > them.
> > >
> > > >I've been struggling with a problem similar to
> the one described (and
> > > >solved) at
> > >
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg50901.html
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