
I have a multibox tag that renders some checkboxes:

                    <logic:iterate name="interestsForm" 
property="interestsColumn1Values" id="itemA">

                        <html:multibox name="interestsForm" 
                            <bean:write name="itemA"/>
                        <bean:write name="itemA"/>


the 'interestsColumn1Values' is a String List containing the checkbox 
strings to be displayed. The 'selectedInterestsAndExpertisesValues' is a 
String array containing a list of the strings that should be selected when 
the checkboes are rendered. So, basically struts does a String comparison 
of the List and String array to ascertain which checkboxes to check and 
checks the boxes that have a matching String in the String array - right ?

Well, I have all this working for normal Strings, but if I have a '&' 
character as part of a String in the 'interestsColumn1Values' List,  the 
text for the checkbox displays ok but the checkbox is not checked even 
though the exact same String (with the '&' character) exists in the 
'selectedInterestsAndExpertisesValues' String array.

Has anyone seen this before ? Is there a work around for this problem ?

Please help !


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