Hi Wendy :), I inadvertently discovered it :). Thanks for the tip though.
I was a little puzzled by the syntax that the JSTL would have at first,
thus my initial question (and self-response :).


Thursday, July 17, 2003, 11:14:46 AM, you wrote:

WS> Martin wrote:
>> I am using Struts-EL, however, the <bean:write> tag is not implemented in
WS> it.
>> It says to use JSTL's <c:out>. Well, how do I access a form's map value by
WS> using
>> JSTL? The syntax for this using <c:out> escapes me. Can someone help me
WS> out a
>> little? Thank you.

WS> <c:out value="${dynabean.map.prop}" />

WS> http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/userGuide/building_controller.html#dyna_act
WS> ion_form_classes

WS> If you are using the Struts JSTL EL taglib, the references are different,
WS> however. Only properties of ordinary ActionForm objects can be directly
WS> accessed through the JSTL expression language syntax. The DynaActionForm
WS> properties must be accessed through a slightly different syntax. The JSTL EL
WS> syntax for referencing a property of an ActionForm goes like this: 

WS> ${formbean.prop}
WS> The syntax for referencing a property of a DynaActionForm would be: 

WS> ${dynabean.map.prop}

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