Hi everyone,

I really need help with this. I also want to add that the same behavior happens with 
WebSphere 5.

Tarek Nabil

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 10:49 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Redirect to home page on logon

I recommend posting to the struts list and hope they don't respond by saying 
"please post to the tomcat list"

Also telnet is nice for debugging requests too so you can see the headers 
begin returned in case some wacky redirect logic is being invoked that you 
might not be detecting.


Tarek M. Nabil wrote:
> Tim, the Filter thing is a great idea, and it worked just fine. Thanks a million.
> Now, I have another problem that I just can't figure out. After the session expires 
> and the user makes a request, he's sent to the login page by Tomcat. After he logs 
> in, he's still sent to the error page. Of course the filter intercepts this and 
> redirects to the home page.
> I still can't figure out, though, why the request is sent to the error page. It 
> really doesn't make sense.
> I have my error pages configured as follows:
>     <!-- error pages -->
>     <error-page> 
>       <error-code>500</error-code>
>       <location>/error.do</location>
>     </error-page>
>     <error-page> 
>       <error-code>404</error-code>
>       <location>/error.do</location>
>     </error-page>
>     <error-page> 
>       <exception-type>java.lang.Exception</exception-type>
>       <location>/error.do</location>
>     </error-page>
> In error.do I do some logging, then forward to error.jsp. What's really driving me 
> crazy, is that in the case I was just describing, the request is sent directly to 
> error.jsp and it doesn't even go to error.do. I tried adding some debugging info in 
> error.jsp to see what error is happening, but, although the "isErrorPage" is set to 
> true, there's no exception object.
> I went into the Tomcat server.xml and raised the debug level to 4 for both the host 
> and the engine, and still the Tomcat logs does not mention anything about the error 
> that causes the forwarding to error.jsp. I even checked stdout and stderr, nothing.
> What I can't understand is how the container knows about error.jsp, it's not 
> mentioned anywhere in my web.xml. The only place it's mentioned in is in the 
> struts-config.xml file. I even changed it's name to something else, thinking that 
> maybe error.jsp is some default value or something like index.jsp, but it didn't 
> help.
> Please, someone help me out here.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:24 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Redirect to home page on logon
> Use a filter. Its container independent.
> The filter runs on the appropriate (or all) requests and would check if the 
> beans are in the session. If not - redirect.
> OR
> If all the pages set an error condition - you might be able to use an error 
> mapping directive in web.xml
> -Tim
> Tarek M. Nabil wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>I have an application that uses beans stored in the session context. If the user's 
>>session times out, he's asked to re-login on his next request. For this, I'm using 
>>J2EE security; I'm not doing it myself.
>>After the user is finished with the re-login, he's supposed to complete his request, 
>>but the fact that the beans are not in the session anymore produces an error.
>>Unfortunately, those beans are specific to the last request the user made, so I 
>>cannot re-initialize them in a listener for session creation.
>>I was wondering if there's a way to configure security so that after the user logs 
>>in he's redirected to a certain page instead of being able to continue his last 
>>I know this can be done manually, but I would have to do it in every web component I 
>>have which is really tiresome. Any quick solutions?
>>Any help is appreciated.
>>I'm sorry that this question is not Tomcat specific, but I tried the 
>>servlet-interest list and got no responses.
>>Tarek M. Nabil
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