>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Mike> The "struts-example\registration.jsp" contains the following code:
    Mike> <html:link page="/editSubscription.do?action=Create" paramId="username"
    Mike>  paramName="registrationForm" paramProperty="username">
    Mike>   <bean:message key="registration.addSubscription"/>
    Mike> </html:link>

    Mike> Switching this to an html-el:link tag is easy.

    Mike> <html-el:link page="/editSubscription.do?action=Create" paramId="username"
    Mike>  paramName="registrationForm" paramProperty="username">
    Mike>   <fmt:message key="registration.addSubscription"/>
    Mike> </html-el:link>

    Mike> The value "username" is a key, so it might be better to reference a constant 
    Mike> "Constants.USER_NAME_KEY".  My question is, how do I do this (without using 

    Mike> If I don't use a quote after paramId=, I get an error when the page 
compiles.  No matter what I
    Mike> put inside the quotes, it comes into the html as literal.

    Mike> Any suggestions?

The EL syntax in this version can reference javabean properties and
collection/map entries.  That's it.  You can do anything that uses those

You could manually put constant values into a map, and reference the map
entries.  If you have to do that a lot, you might consider a class that uses
reflection to "gather" constant values from one or more classes into a map,
keyed by the constant name (perhaps downcasing the keys).

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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