Hi all,

I am struts newbie.

I am stuck with a problem of capturing dynamically
growing form elements.  I have to know a way to
capture recurring data in either DynaValidator or Form

My jsp can contain html elements say CoBorrower
Information like CoBorrower Name, CoBorrower Address,
CoBorrower Phone number for a corresponding Borrower
information.  A Borrower can have any number of
coborrowers associated.  So my screen would ideally
contain Add More button on click of which will
generate another tab for capturing another coborrower

Since struts mandates the form element names to be
defined in struts-config.xml for a dyna action and
getters setters for elements in form beans where
should i account for dynamic elements 

I am confused because there can be n number of html
elements with same name coborrowerid for example.

I welecome any suggestion regarding this.

With Regards

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