
thanks Derek, thanks Chuck.

Am Mittwoch, 23.07.03 um 17:24 Uhr schrieb Derek Chen-Becker:

I hadn't thought of client-side validation, but that's kind of tricky
Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by "client-side"?

No, that's what I meant. But: the validator framework already solves this tricky problem :). It seems that the only problem I have is that the validator framework requires static xml files for configuration - and I need dynamically configured validation. Just as Chuck Canning wrote:

"To summarize, I suggest that you dynamically build what normally
would be defined in validation.xml in struts1.1."

I need a way to replace validation.xml by dynamic Java calls. I guess that this is not too tricky and I was only wondering if somebody has already done this.


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