
I've tried browsing and searching the mail archives on how
to implement this but have not turned up anything useful.

I've written a Struts-based webapp (coupled with EJB) and
am applying some finishing touches to it. I have a number
of forums that, upon submission, will lead to another page.
This other page, however, is a result of a dynamic lookup
which the action servlet populates, and a requirement for
this page to be generated is a certain request identifier.

To clarify this, say I have two simple objects called
Merchant and Items, of which Merchant can sell one or more
items. If I display the merchant's page, I get to see a
list of items sold by this particular merchant. Now the
merchant's page has a link that says "Create new Item",
which contains a form that, when submitted, will go to the
merchant's page now showing an updated list with the new
item. However, for the merchant page to be displayed (which
is handled by the action servlet), it would need to know
the merchant's id.

Is there a way to do more flexible (conditional/parametric)
customization of the action forwards? Or what is the
proper, if any, way of implementing this? I have several
pages with similar dependencies (due to the OO/relational
design), and it can get very tiring to have to navigate
deeper into a hierarchy just to repeat an action.

In trying to follow MVC, I try to route all requests
through controller servlets, so the webapp has very little
direct links to JSP pages. These controller servlets,
however, need certain information in generating certain
pages (in the case above, a merchant's id to display
information about that merchant).

Help on the matter is greatly appreciated. These are minor
things which I'd like to cover prior to releasing our web
app. Thanks. :)

Gino Ledesma
 // Programmer's Excuse #4: You can't use that version on
your system.


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