Hi ... I am quite new to Struts and like to know what is the best practice to
provide a solution for the following problem (with Struts 1.01 in use):

I'd like to have a jsp with a form A (e.g. Project) and nested within a
editable list of the people who work at this certain project based on form B
(because the data is stored in a different table/FormBean) with the possibilty
to add a new record right there. I use a GetAction to fill Bean A and the

Code may look like this:

<html:form name='A' type='A' action='SaveProjectData'>

        <logic:iterate id='objectB' name='B'>
                <html:form name='B' type='B' action='SavePersonData'>
        <html:form name='B' type='B' action='SavePersonData'>


I won't work this way because I do not know how to send the correct form to the
right action or how to trigger the right action ... basically, I know that it
is not the best way to use more than one form on a page or to nest forms (but
that's what my boss ordered).

Would be very grateful for any useful hints (or claps on my backhead) ... or
tip on how to solve it any other way.

Thanks in advance!

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