
I have used the LookupDispatchAction with some buttons and it works
quite well. Now I want to submit the form by clicking on a link instead
of a button. I've tried something like this in my jsp file but it
returns me the error

<bean:define id="message">
  <bean:message key="button.search"/>

<html:link action="/result"

type Status report

message Request[/result] does not contain handler parameter named method

description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect
(Request[/result] does not contain handler parameter named method).

I also tried to use javascript in the onclick attribute of html:link but 
it returns the same error.

So my question is, is it possible to use LookupDispatchAction to dispatsh 
actions from links at all?
If not, what would be proper way to implement similar functionality?
Should I discard whole LookupDispatchAction and use something else instead
of that, or just handle links differently?

Thank you very much!


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