I'm trying to use the validator on two fields of my form. One field is an integer and the other is a double. They are both required. The problem is that only the integer and required validations are working. The double validation is not called from the generated dynamicJavascript. The question is: Why the generated javascript does not call something like :

return validateRequired(form) && validateInteger(form) && validateDouble(form);

I thank you all in advance :)

Thiago Bartolomei


validation.xml :
      <form name="myForm">
         <field property="doubleField" depends="required,double">
             <arg0 key="label.doubleField" />
         <field property="integerField" depends="required,integer">
             <arg0 key="label.integerField" />

on the jsp file :
<%-- initialize the validation javascripts --%>
<html:javascript formName="myForm" />


<html:form action="myAction.do" onsubmit="validateMyForm(this)">

---------------------------- on the generated html file : ----------------------------

<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript1.1">

<!-- Begin

var bCancel = false;

function validateMyForm(form) { if (bCancel) return true; else return validateRequired(form) && validateInteger(form); }

function required () { this.aa = new Array("doubleField", "My Required Description", new Function ("varName", " return this[varName];"));
this.ab = new Array("integerField", "My Required Description", new Function ("varName", " return this[varName];"));

function IntegerValidations () { this.aa = new Array("integerField", "My Integer Description", new Function ("varName", " return this[varName];"));

-- -- Thiago Tonelli Bartolomei Icaro Technologies - www.icaro.com.br Phone: +55-19-3237-7878 x.249

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