thanks for the quick response,
I have cheked all.option 2,3,4th points are checked.. 

my web.xml is located at 
C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0\webapps\ROOT\banking\web\WEB-INF
all the .tld file are also located at 
C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 4.0\webapps\ROOT\banking\web\WEB-INF
in web.xml i made this entry
Do i need to include ...banking/web instead of .banking/web/WEB-INF

but still its not reflecting the change in the path..it is still
refereing to /WEB-INF
is there some possiblity that server may be using differnet web.xml
file altogerther as 3 -4 web.xml are present in the same server


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/03 02:33PM >>>
Check out for these things

1)The file should be present the specicfied path.
2)The header tag must be included in the jsp where it is used.
3)The tag must be declared in web.xml
4) A path to struts.jar in Classpath.

J G Guru Prasad
V sem, Information Technology,
Bachelor of Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.
( formerly KREC,Surathkal )

---- On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Vinayak Birari

> hi all,
>    I am new to Struts, I have downloaded sample banking
> oreilly
> I have unzipped the entire code in webapps\ROOT directory if 
>  I m getting following error
>          org.apache.jasper.JasperException: File
> "/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" not found
> I have kept all the .tld file in WEB-INF folder
> in web.xml i have made the entry and given the path as
> /WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld
> i wanted to know is it necessary to make its entry anywhere
> thanks in advance.
> Vinayak.
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