Some reasons I've come up with from recent experience:

* Support:  Even though 1.1 was only recently released, it has been
widely used for a while.  In fact, at the risk of starting a flame war,
I would go so far as to say that 1.0 has been largely abandoned (at
least by the user community).  I have never seen a book on Struts that
covers 1.0, and most answers I've seen on this list assume that poster
is using 1.1.

* Functionality:  The list of features added by 1.1 is too long to
mention here (look at the release notes).  Among them are dynamic forms
(so you don't have the maintenance overhead of writing your own form
beans), and I believe the tag libraries are friendlier.  I had to use
1.0, and was always frustrated as I would find a feature that would do
exactly what I needed, only to find out that it was only in 1.0.

Basically, if you want to save yourself a lot of aggravation, upgrade
to 1.1.


--- atta-ur rehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We have using Struts 1.0.2 for about last couple of years.
> Now that Struts 1.1 is out. Are there any reasons for us to start
> thinking
> moving to 1.1?
> Any help or pointer to help will be greatly appreicated.
> Regards,
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