One can do this with servlet filters, but sometimes its nice to do this
within Struts, to look at the action mapping, pick an action forward, etc.
I could imagine libraries of pluggable 'ActionFilters' for checking that the
user is logged in, security, transaction demarcation, logging, etc.
Applications could pick and choose which ones they want, a la carte style.
One could write a request processor that would take a configured list of
these 'filters', build a filter chain, and run them around each
Action.execute invocation.   Has anyone done anything like this?  Any issues
to watch out for?

I would


Steve Molitor


I believe that using the request processor to invoke configured *filters*
would overlap too much with the servlet filters. What a real filter
can't do is the transaction demarcation.

Instead of using configurable actions or request processors,
we prefer to use configurable event handling logics inside actions.
You could look at the concept of Control Page in
When a control page should be shared, we use Controller Delegation
Model. Calls like beforeExecute() or afterExecute() can be done
in such model.

Netspread Carrier

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