Thanks for the response,

Is it possible to map more than one ActionForm to a page, If not in the
below example how would the framework understand to populate the
departmentName entered in the form give that the page is associated with
the MyActionForm below.

Sreekant G.

                      "Nagendra Kumar O                                                
                      V S"                     To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                                    
                      om>                      Subject:  Re: Regarding STRUTS 
                      08/04/2003 02:46                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Struts Users                                                    
                      Mailing List"                                                    

 1)The actionform(MyActionForm) is absolutely, though few tips                        
         a. try using String variables AFAP, for elements u want to map html form     
 elements and the action form                                                         
         b. all such elements should have the corresponding set/get methods for       
 struts to properly populate the form elements in to             ur action form       
 2)All the members in MyActionForm should have the corresponding set/get in the       
 action form itself. and                                                              
 3)MyDepartment,MyProject should have the set/get methods defined for the members     
 within their own classes..                                                           
 -- nagi                                                                              
 -------Original Message-------                                                       
 From: Struts Users Mailing List                                                      
 Date: Monday, August 04, 2003 02:22:50 PM                                            
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                   
 Subject: Regarding STRUTS ActionForm                                                 
 Can the ActionForm contain some other Message Objects as attributes ? If so          
 where should the getters and setters for the child MO be coded ? For                 
 example in the below structure MyActionForm is the ActionForm that contains          
 the user defined MO's MyDepartment and MyProject. First of all is                    
 MyActionForm a valid ActionForm as per STRUTS ? If so where should the               
 getter and setter for departmentNumber, departmentName, projectNumber,               
 projectName reside ? Should it be within the MyActionForm or MyDepartment            
 and MyProject respectively ?                                                         
 e.g : MyActionForm inherits ActionForm                                               
 int employeeNumber;                                                                  
 string employeeName;                                                                 
 MyDepartment department;                                                             
 MyProject project;                                                                   
 int departmentNumber;                                                                
 string departmentName;                                                               
 int projectNumber;                                                                   
 string projectName;                                                                  
 Sreekant G.                                                                          
 TCS AMBATTUR                                                                         

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