Is it possible to have the header of a Tile be from cache but the body of a
tile to never be cached?


For example, given this definition:


  <definition name="doc.searchToEditUser" extends="doc.classicLayout">

              <put name="title"  value="UM - Update User Select" />

              <put name="module"  value="User Management" />

              <put name="submodule"  value="Update User" />

              <put name="menu"   value="/WEB-INF/view/usermgmt/menu.jsp" />

              <put name="body"
value="/WEB-INF/view/usermgmt/edit_user_search.jsp" />




Is it possible for the header JSP (in the above case it is described in
doc.classicLayout because it is on the top of every page)

to always be from cache and all others to be non-cached pages.


An even better idea for my situation would be to have only the body JSP to
not be cached and all others pages to be cached.


Either way, any ideas?


I need the solution to be able to work on both NS and IE.

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