I'm using tiles to template our site and facing 2 challenges while rendering the menus.
1. our security isn't compatible with tile
2. IT needs to be able to turn on and off some part of the site via the jsp container 
configuration file.

I decided to create a tile controller to remove the menu items you're not authorized 
to see at run-time, and to see if this area is on or off (basically changes the url if 
the area is off).

Every time the controller receives the list of all menu items, and removes the bad 
ones, meaning the base list is preserved. But when I make a change in the menu item, 
this is changes the base object.

How come the list stays ok, but not the menu item?
Is there a better way to do this?


PS: I've searched for a code sample and documentation on tile factory, how to set up 
and basic uses, but couldn't find anything. Does somebody knows where can I find that?

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