On 08/08/2003 02:11 Sridhar Kotagiri wrote:
   I have a Action form which contains an arraylist the array list adds
beans which are called IpAddress(two String properties).I am able to
display in the jsp page but when I submit this form it is unable to
populate to the action form.

<b class="txtMedium" id="large"><bean:message
bundle="content" key="title.ipaddresses"/></b>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
<logic:iterate id="Element" name="editAdvancedForm"
<tr class="textbox" style="width:150px;"> <td><html:text name="Element" property="domainName"
<td><b><bean:message bundle="content"
<td><html:text name="Element" property="ipValue"
/></td> </tr> </logic:iterate> </table>

public class EditAdvancedForm extends ValidatorForm {
//~ Instance fields --------------------------------------------------------
private String domain_Id;
private ArrayList alist;
private IpAddress ip1;

public EditAdvancedForm(){
alist=new ArrayList();
ip1=new IpAddress();
public void setDomainName(String name)
public String getDomainName()
return ip1.getDomainName();
public void setIpValue(String name)
alist.add(new IpAddress(ip1.getDomainName(),ip1.getIpValue()));
public String getIpValue()
return ip1.getIpValue();

         * @return
        public String getDomain_Id() {
                return domain_Id;
         * @return
        public IpAddress getIp1() {
                return ip1;

         * @param address
        public void setIp1(IpAddress address) {
                ip1 = address;

         * @return
        public ArrayList getAlist() {
                return alist;

         * @param list
        public void setAlist(ArrayList list) {
                alist = list;


public class IpAddress {
        private String domainName;
        private String ipValue;
        private String flag;
        private String flag1;

        public IpAddress(String str1,String str2)
        public IpAddress(){
         * @return
        public String getDomainName() {
                return domainName;

         * @return
        public String getIpValue() {
                return ipValue;

         * @param string
        public void setDomainName(String string) {
                domainName = string;

         * @param string
        public void setIpValue(String string) {
                ipValue = string;


Your form bean should have an indexed property (see the Struts docs) of type IpAddress. Say you call this ipAddress, then your logic;iterate tag shoudol have id="ipAddress" and your html:text tag should have name="ipAddress" indexed="true".


Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller Business |
| Computer Consultants | http://www.thomas-micro-systems-ltd.co.uk |

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