I've build a wizard-style application which gathers the information I want
from the client. The wizard goes through two information-collecting steps
and validates the input. So far no problem.
What i've been trying to achive the past day is to display a last
summary-page where the information from the form is displayed as text-only.
Somehow I just can't seem to succeed with this simple task.

as a last step in the wizard my struts-config.xml forwards to :

<forward name="success" path="/payment/DepositSuccess.jsp"/>

This is the page I want to display the Form properties previously entered. I
know the values are in the request because I can output them using

<html:form action="/myDeposit">
    <html:select property="amountTransferred">

But that displays the value in a form-filed, I want it written out in plain
text (no further reuse of the value is needed, this is the last step in the
wizard). How do I achieve this ? The name of the Form is
CreditcardDepositForm if that is needed in some way.

//Linus Nikander -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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