Thanks. yes, the userBean is the actionform associated with the jsp page.

I tried it using the below given code..i used userID instead of user ..just
for test..
<html:select name="userDataBean" property="userID">
<html:optionsCollection name="userDataBean" property="roleUser" label
="roleID" value="desc" />

But it's giving me below given error..though the userDataBean is having the
getter method for the userID ..
No getter method available for property userID for bean under name


                    Kumar O V S"         To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                   
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                                      
          >              Subject:     Re: <html:select> problem        
                    06:27 PM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         
                    "Struts Users                                                      
                    Mailing List"                                                      

 u r not v clear in ur question                                                        
 is userBean, the action form associated with the jsp page..?? if yes.                 
 <html:select name="userDataBean" property="user">                                     
 <html:optionsCollection name="userDataBean" property="roleUser" label="roleid" 
 should work for u                                                                     
 the property "user" should also be in the action form, which holds the value of the 
 selected in the drop down on the form submit                                          
 -- nagi                                                                               
 -------Original Message-------                                                        
 From: Struts Users Mailing List                                                       
 Date: Monday, August 11, 2003 06:03:01 PM                                             
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                            
 Subject: <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = HTML /> problem                                     
 I have a problem handling nested beans..                                              
 For example...                                                                        
 I have a userBean as given below                                                      
 private int userID;                                                                   
 private String lastName;                                                              
 private String firstName;                                                             
 private ArrayList roleUser;                                                           
 Where the last field Arraylist is the arraylist of the objects of the bean            
 called roleUserBean.                                                                  
 Again the roleUserBean has the following properties.                                  
 private int roleid;                                                                   
 private String desc;                                                                  
 private String name;                                                                  
 private ArrayList menuComponent;                                                      
 I have put the userBean in the session scope. Now I want to show all the              
 elements in the ArrayList roleUser in a drop down. I am trying to use the             
 <html:select> tag. But it's giving me errors.                                         
 What I am doing is                                                                    
 <bean:define id="roleuser" name="userDataBean" property="roleUser" scope              
 ="session" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>                                               
 <html:select name="userDataBean" property="roleUser">                                 
 <html:options collection="roleuser" labelProperty="roleID" property                   
 ="desc" />                                                                            
 Please help ..                                                                        
 Thanks in advance.                                                                    
 Prashant M Desai.                                                                     
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