Yes, you can do it without the ".do" and it is safer to do so.

You can even do this which is nice:

<html:link action="/test?updateMethod=nameOfYourDispatchLookup">

Note the /test? instead of / 

I remember looking at the source code before and the URL comes in in pieces
so that the query string is separate from the path and so struts
automatically puts on the filter (.do or whatever it may be).

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:07 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: LookupDispatchAction error

Sorry, solution #1 should read:
<html:link action="/" ...> ... </html:link>

Not sure if you need the .do part but I do and that can be bad if you change
the extension later.  So if you can do it with just action="/test" then I
suggest to do it.  I will look at mine now to see if I can change it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Shane C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:01 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: LookupDispatchAction error

I think you could do it a couple different ways...

<bean:define id="lookupName" value="whateverLookupYouWantToGoto"/>
<html:link forward="test" paramId="updateMethod" paramName="lookupName"> 

<html:link forward="gtest" >...</html:link>

struts config:
          <forward   name="gtest"

I've done similar so either way should work.

-----Original Message-----
From: OFlaherty, Colm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject: LookupDispatchAction error

I am getting the following error on , which I can't figure out:

HTTP ERROR: 500 Request[/test] does not contain handler parameter named

I am following a couple of decent examples using the LookupDispatchAction
class (pages 128 -130 in "Programming Jakarta Struts" by Chuck Cavaness). My
config is basically the same as what he has, but I have a couple of minor
differences, which I don't think should be causing any issues, but maybe
someone can put me right: 

The JSP link that gives me the error is the following: 

<tr><td><li><html:link forward="test"><bean:message

My action mappings section has the following action:

<action path="/test"

I also have a section for the testForm: 

<form-bean      name="testForm"

My /pages/test.jsp uses a template, which points at /pages/testcontent.jsp,
which contains the following: 

<html:submit property="updateMethod">
<bean:message key="insert.label"/>

As u would expect, the "insert.label" key is contained in the properties
file (as well as the "test.maintain.label"  from the initial link)

test.maintain.label=Maintain Tests

My TestUpdateAction class has the following hierarchy and methods

BaseUpdateAction (methods: getKeyMethodMap (),getKeyMethodMap (params),
insert (params), update (params), delete ()
                              (Maps "insert.label" to "insert")

My TestForm was generated using Xdoclet from the source code, and
has a protected "updateMethod" string variable, with a getter and setter.
TestForm is inherited from ActionForm

The kind of thing that I'm thinking might be causing the issue include: 

1.      The hierarchy of TestUpdateAction
2.      The fact that /pages/testcontent.jsp is not referenced directly, but
via the following lines in /pages/test.jsp: 
<template:insert template='/pages/template.jsp'>
<template:put name='content' content='/pages/testcontent.jsp'/> ...
3.      The calling link does NOT in a Form.  Its entire contents looks like

<%@ include file="/tags/taglibs.jsp" %>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <tr><td><li><html:link forward="test"><bean:message
        <tr><td><li><html:link forward="logout"><bean:message

Can anyone see anything I'm missing, or anything that I'm just doing
incorrectly?????  Any help is much appreciated.


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