I have a user signup wizard running through several pages. After the
signed up process is done I let the users update their registration
information. I have an action named 'SignupAction'. Since I already
wrote those pages I want to reuse them in the Edit actions. How can I do

One way I thought of, since those pages already have their <html:form
action="/SignupAction.do">, I will pass the SignupAction a hidden
parameter with the mode or action = "Edit" and category="BasicInfo".
That way it would that it is running in edit mode, and the category is
the basic info (what was entered in the page #1 in wizard mode).

1) Can this work?
2) Is there a better way to do that? 
3) How can I add arguments to the <html:form
action="/SignupAction.do?<args>...">? can someone give an example here?

Many thanks,

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