I am sure that this is a simple question to you all HTML gurus... I Hope

I am using the 'required' validator and I have fields of type
'select-one' and 'radio' for both of them the required doesn't bring up
the pop.

The required works very simply by looking if there is a value or not.
But for selection-box this is not enough, in my opinion. Currently I
have the "empty" value = 0 <html:option value="0" .../> so for in the
eyes of the required validator the value is not empty. Of course I can
refine the javascript for dealing with these situations of 0 as an empty
value by convention or even take that NONE value from an extra variable.

As for the radio buttons I still have to figure out why? They are both
not selected and still.. no respond from Mr. required.

Small simple HTTP/HTML question. What value (if any) is sent after
submitting for a selection with empty value="" ? And the same for radio?


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