I am having trouble implementing the nested tags.  I have downloaded and completed the 
Keyboard Monkey tutorial and everything ran smoothly, but when I try and implement the 
tags in my program I am having problems.  The following code using the logic tags 
works correctly and displays the desired information.  The code using the nested tags 
results in the Null Pointer Exception that follows.  The property names are different, 
but refer to the same variable, one returns the information as an ArrayList and the 
other as and Object[] as shown below. If anyone has some ideas I would really 
appreciate them!!






public ArrayList getBundleDetail()           {return bundleDetail      ;}

public Object[] getBundleDetailList()       {return bundleDetail.toArray()      ;}



<logic:iterate id="detail" name="OrderSalesForm" property="bundleDetail">


          <td><bean:write name="detail"   property="bundleProdCode"/>   </td>

          <td><bean:write name="detail"   property="bundleDtlRateA"/>  </td>

          <td><bean:write name="detail"   property="bundleDtlRateB"/>  </td>

          <td><bean:write name="detail"   property="bundleDtlQuantity"/>  </td>





 <nested:iterate property="bundleDetailList">


          <td><nested:write  property="bundleProdCode" />   </td>

          <td><nested:write  property="bundleDtlRateA" />  </td>

          <td><nested:write  property="bundleDtlRateB" />  </td>

          <td><nested:write    property="bundleDtlQuantity" />  </td>                  




java.lang.NullPointerException: Null attribute name at       
org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.findAttribute(PageContextImpl.java:417) at 
org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(RequestUtils.java:813) at 
org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(RequestUtils.java:873) at 
org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.IterateTag.doStartTag(IterateTag.java:277) at 
org.apache.struts.taglib.nested.logic.NestedIterateTag.doStartTag(Unknown Source) at 
 at org.apache.jsp.OrderSales2022L_jsp._jspService(OrderSales2022L_jsp.java:91) at 

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