Thank you very very much!! It works perfect !!!


"Steve Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
08/07/03 10:25 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        RE: how to pass a jsp variable to a javascript function


There are definitely a number of funky things in your code example.  I'm 
exactly sure what you're trying to do since your onchange attribute is
calling a JavaScript function called "projectChange" which I don't see
anywhere, but here are a couple of things to look out for:

1.  I don't believe you can use a JSP expression inside some JavaScript
code, but someone can certainly correct me if I'm wrong.  What I have done
in the past is use a <bean:write> tag, so you should be able to do 

<bean:define id="tmpIndex" value="23"/>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  var y<bean:write name="tmpIndex"/> = <bean:write name="tmpIndex"/>;

if you *really* want to do that.

2. However, your question was "how do I pass a JSP variable to a 
function" and it looks like this is what you are attempting to do with the
next part of your code:

<nested:select property="projectCodeId"

For this to work correctly, your JSP expression needs to be the entire 
for the onchange attribute (i.e., you can't embed a JSP expression into 
middle of an attribute value).  Thus, assuming you have a JavaScript
function named "projectChange" defined, and you really want to pass in a
JavaScript variable to this function as opposed to say, the Integer value
itself, then you should be able to say something like:

<nested:select property="projectCodeId" onchange='<%= "projectChange(y" +
tmpIndex +")" %>'>

3. But, rather than setting a JavaScript variable inside a nested:iterate
and then trying to pass this variable into "projectChange" it would seem 
be much simpler to simply pass in the value itself.  In other words,
something like:

<nested:iterate property="projectList" id="pro" indexId="proIdx">
  <nested:select property="projectCodeId" onchange='<%= "projectChange(" +
proIdx +")" %>'>

I haven't tested the above, but if I haven't missed any syntactic sugar, 
should work.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:30 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: how to pass a jsp variable to a javascript function

I don't have javascript errors, the problem is  <%=tmpIndex%> can't be
translated into 0,1,2,.....
in javascript,  only the String"<%=tmpIndex%>".

08/07/03 04:32 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: how to pass a jsp variable to a javascript

Hi Julie,
what do you get as a result of that iterate? It looks correct. Do you
have javascript errors?

> Hi All,
> Can anyone suggest how to pass a jsp variable to a javascript function
> correctly? It is in a nested:iterate block that has an
>  what I would like to do is to have the 'y<%=tmpIndex%>' variable pass
> into my JavaScript function.It seems like the server side <%=tmpIndex%>
> variable can not be translated into the client side script function.
> Here is my code:
> <nested:iterate property="projectList" id="pro" indexId="proIdx">
> <bean:define id="tmpIndex" value="<%=
> String.valueOf(proIdx.intValue())%>"/>
> <script language='JavaScript'>
>                 var y<%=tmpIndex%>=<%=tmpIndex%>;
>                 </script>
> <nested:select property="projectCodeId" onchange="
> <nested:optionsCollection property="../projectCodeList"/>
>                                         </nested:select>
> </nested:iterate>
> any suggestions?
> Very Appreciated.
> Julie
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