> It may also be that we are not using any tiles-aware IDE - 
> but hopefully any
> IDE should be aware of <logic:...> and JSTL so why is this a problem?

I'm interested in a solution that has 'industry' support.  New editors are beginning 
to appear that support the creation of pages using tiles.  Ideally this should allow 
less technical users to build pages.  By using JSTL, custom tags, etc it is likely 
that these will either not be supported by the editor, will be treated transparently 
or will require a user to insert the required logic around the tiles tags.   
Ultimately I dont want to expend a lot of development effort re-inventing the wheel by 
writing and supporting an editor to support conditional areas.

> > o  Secondly, would it make sense to have a 'static' identifier
> > that could be used to perform the equivalent of a <%@ include
> about caching static or semi-static portions. We are just 
> "OSCache" cache for this - there was a post to the list 

Yes, effectively caching static portions by inclusion, just like <%@ include...>   The 
thinking behind this is that once an application is deployed to a production 
environment performance is an important factor in a high-load environment.  Maybe 
OSCache would be suitable but I was wondering if there was another approach, again a 
'standard', that could be employed.

Richard Tomlinson

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