- When you look at the html code, check if the result value (ok) is passed
correctly. Otherwise it does not work.

- <javascript:window.open("", "myWindow", 'toolbar,width=450,height=500')
Here you have to figure out how to open the JSP page with javascript. Javascript
documentation eg. selfhtml will help.


>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: RE: Pop-up a window on Submit
>Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 10:39:42 -0400
>From: Au-Yeung, Stella H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi Koni:
>I must have misunderstood what you adviced me to do because I couldn't get
>it working on what you suggested.   This is what I did:
>I added the logic tag in my jsp:
><logic:equal name="SearchFormBean" property="result" scope="request"
><javascript:window.open("", "myWindow", 'toolbar,width=450,height=500')
>===> the rest of this jsp file is just a table to display my data.
>I added a new property "result" into my formBean and also its getter and
>private String result;
>Then in my Action class I added the following call to the setter when my
>data are retrieved successfully:
>if (formBean.isMainReportAction())
>    this.validateAction(formBean, request, errors);  // validate search
>    if(errors.empty())
>    {
>       retrieve data for main report and display main report
>       formBean.setResult("ok");  // IF EVERYTHIANG IS OK, SET result="ok"
>so jsp will pop up new wdw
>    }
>    else
>        displayed error message in the original window
>But when I ran this, no window is pop-up.  The data is still displaying
>the original window.
>Did I miss something that you tried to tell me?  Thx...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Koni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 7:00 AM
>Subject: Re: Pop-up a window on Submit
>Hi Pat
>I solved the validation problem (your question 2) as described in many
>In struts-config.xml, add 'input' to your action mapping.
><action path="/app/report/Search"
>          type="com.test.action.report.ReportAction"
>          name="SearchFormBean
>         scope="request"
>      validate="false"
>         input="/thePage.jsp"> // <---- !!
>   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
>   if ( ! formBean.isMainReportAction() )
>   {
>      errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
>                 new ActionError("error.my.error.message"));
>   }
>   // Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
>   if (!errors.isEmpty())
>   {
>      saveErrors(request, errors);
>      // go back to the input page
>      return  new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());
>   }
>Example of displaying errors in .jsp
>   <logic:messagesPresent>
>     <UL>
>       <html:messages id="errors">
>         <LI><bean:write name="errors"/></li>
>       </html:messages>
>     </ul>
>   </logic:messagesPresent>
>You could solve your pop-up problem with <logic:equal> in your .jsp!
><logic:equal name="myForm" property="result" scope="request" value="ok">
>    <javascript:open.your.pop.up.some.how>
>Hope it helps.
>>Au-Yeung, Stella H wrote:
>> Hi:
>> The bottom of my Search.jsp has two buttons.  They are for displaying
>> different report (a Main report and a Procedure Summary):
>> <html:submit property="mainReport"><bean:message
>> key="button.mainReport"/></html:submit>
>> <html:submit property="procedureSummary"><bean:message
>> key="button.procedureSummary"/></html:submit>
>> In my Struts Action class ReportAction I do the following:
>> if (formBean.isMainReportAction())
>> {
>>   this.validateAction(formBean, request, errors);  // validate search
>> filters
>>   if(errors.empty())
>>      retrieve data for main report and display main report
>>   else
>>       displayed error message
>> }
>> else if (formBean.isProcedureSummaryAction())
>> {
>>   this.validateAction(formBean, request, errors);    // validate search
>> filters
>>   if(errors.empty())
>>      retrieve data for procedure summary report
>>       << forward to the template "ProcSummTemplate"
>>   else
>>       displayed error message
>> }
>> My struts-config file sort of like this:
>> <global-forwards>
>>     <forward name="ProcSummTemplate"
>> path="/app/report/ProcedureSummary.jsp"/>
>> </global-forwards>
>> <action    path="/app/report/Search"
>>            type="com.test.action.report.ReportAction"
>>            name="SearchFormBean"
>>            scope="request"
>>            validate="false">
>>         <forward name="Content" path="/app/report/MainReport.jsp"/>
>>        <forward name="ContentError" path="/app/report/Search.jsp"/>
>> </action>
>> All the above works fine, but now I need to enhance it to do these:
>> - If there are no validation errors, pop-up a new window to display the
>> selected report (MainReport.jsp or ProcedureSummary.jsp)
>> - If there are validation errors, stay on the same window to display
>> validation messages in Search.jsp so user can reenter search filters.
>> My questions are:
>> 1) How do I pop up a new window with the <html:submit> tag?  Since I
>> do onSubmit()="return popUpAWindow()" inside the <html:submit> tags
>> 2) How do I force Struts to stay in the same window if there are
>> errors, otherwise do the pop-up? My validation method is in the Action
>> and not a javascript function.   
>> Thanks in advance.....
>> Pat
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>Koni Roth,
>  - http://www.rothweb.ch
>  - http://www.rothconsulting.com
>  - Jump and the earth will rise to meet you!

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